Tag Archives: massage

Back Away From the Cell Phone!

Once upon a time, in a far away country, there were no cell phones.

Gasp! No cell phones?! How did people survive?

They did pretty well actually. Stress was infrequent, families actually spent time together at dinner rather than text messaging their status to their social network, and the women were able to enjoy those few stolen moments alone without interruption.

We are all guilty of answering our cell phones when we shouldn’t. No matter where we are, or what we are doing, as soon as we hear that ringtone, we dive into our purse for our lifelines…I mean cell phones.

Out for dinner with the family…we answer the phone. Taking a bubble bath..we take our phones with us so we don’t miss a call. Even after a manicure and with our nails still wet, we will search our purses for that cell phone regardless of the damage to our fresh coat of polish.

A friend of mine recently shared a story about what happened during the birth of her grandson. I could hardly believe it when she told me, but unfortunately it is a true story.  Her daughter had endured eighteen hours of labor and was in the delivery stage.  In the middle of a huge push, a cell phone rings.

Everyone in the room, the Doctor, the nurse,  even the father-to- be,  reaches for their cell phone. After a few seconds, a chorus of,  “Not Me” chimed. Her daughter, red faced and annoyed, yells to the assembly, “It was me! Can we get back to work?”

We can laugh about the story now, but at the time it wasn’t funny at all.

I know this is an extreme example of our addiction to our cell phones,  but I am sharing this to make a point.  When you finally schedule those few precious minutes of  “me time”, turn the cell phone off! The world will soldier on without you for a while.

Make those fleeting moments of serenity worthwhile.  Enjoy your massage or manicure without interruption. Take that time to recharge and prepare yourself for the next battle of life.

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Filed under Me Time, Stress-Less Campaign, Women and Duty

Are you an OVER-GIVER?

Contributed by Sheryl Brennan

Imagine the following scenarios:

Your day consists of waking at 5am to make breakfast and get husband and kids off to their respective destinations with hand-packed lunches tucked neatly under their arms. When you arrive home from your own day job, you immediately go into the kitchen to make dinner, start a few loads of laundry, and help the children with their homework. Somewhere after the dinner dishes, toting kids to sports practices and music lessons, and the never ending housecleaning, you fall into bed completely and totally spent. Just as you start to drift off to sleep, hubby nuzzles your ear in that intimately familiar way…

You sit down for a moment to catch your breath when your twelve-year-old bursts through the living room to announce she is supposed to bring cupcakes to school tomorrow. Responding to her panic, you rush into the kitchen to pre-heat the oven, then grab your car keys. Another late night grocery store run for baking supplies because store bought cupcakes just won’t do…

In the heat of the moment, you fantasize what it would be like to have a weekend all to yourself.  Somewhere tropical where you can lounge by the pool without hearing the word “MOM” shouted every five minutes. You shake off the luxurious thoughts and feel guilty for wanting to travel without your family. You’re a wife and mother… it’s your job to take care of everyone and make sure they have everything they need. They wouldn’t know what to do without you….

Sound familiar?

Women, especially those that are caregivers, tend to give so much of themselves, that their entire sense of self-worth is wrapped around how happy they are making others. Does it make them feel good in the short term? Yes.

But what happens when others around them aren’t happy with what they’ve giving and doing? How do these super-women feel about themselves when they want to say no because they are tapped out of time or energy, but don’t? How is their self-esteem affected when the nest is empty? What do you think happens to their health when they are running on all cylinders 24/7/365?

Guilt? Resentment? Disease? Maybe all three, plus some! If any of this even remotely resounds within your heart, take a few moments to reflect upon what you can do, right now, to change the behavior pattern.


Nutrition, Rest, Exercise. Pampering. If you aren’t taking care of your own basic needs, put together an action plan so that your body gets the attention it needs to thrive. Go to the spa and treat yourself to a manicure, pedicure, or massage. Cut out one empty calorie food per day and replace it with a healthier choice. Go to bed when you are tired, rather than willing yourself awake or loading your system with caffeine to finish a project. A well rested mind is more focused and efficient!


Treating yourself to a spa treatment  works wonders for your external AND  internal states. Don’t overlook the importance of pampering yourself on a regular basis, to feel great about yourself and feel ready to take on the world.


Meditation is known for its healing and relaxation benefits. Whether its praying at your synagogue or church, or just enjoying a quite mind moment in the garden, nourish your soul by feeding it regularly with meditation.


Having social support keeps you healthier and happier, by creating a buffer against stress. Good friends can pick you up when you’re sad, provide guidance when you’re confused, and help you have fun when you need to blow off steam.

And finally, remember the old wisdom: Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime.

Refuse to over-give and teach your loved ones that in learning to care for themselves, they are caring for you! The most precious woman in their lives.

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Filed under Manicure, Massage, Me Time, Pedicure, Stress-Less Campaign, Women and Duty

The Best Massage……

What was the best massage you’ve ever had? Do you remember when, where and who gave it to you? Or do you just remember how you felt afterward? I distinctly remember a massage I had over 25 years ago. I don’t remember the girls name, where she lived or much else about her. What I do remember is it was springtime, she had a tiny apartment in the Highlands, the windows where open and there was a thunderstorm. As I laid down on the table, the sparse furnishings of her living room faded away, and the sound of that thunderstorm took me to a magical place of complete relaxation. The experience was intensely spiritual rather than just a physical manipulation of my muscles.
This mornings thunderstorm reminded me of a wonderful place that I strive to take my clients to. When you get a massage next time, I challenge you to let yourself go gently in to the hands of your therapist and let the experience happen to your body, mind and spirit. When you can get out of trying to control the experience by just letting yourself be (instead of saying to your MT, “I really just want you to work on my back today” or “Ouch, that hurts, can you go lighter, please” or talking through the massage about what’s bothering you at work, or even, God forbid, keeping your phone on the table with you, because “My kids might call”, try letting yourself completely relax in to the therapists able hands and see what happens. It just might be the best damn massage you’ve ever experienced!
Healing takes place when we allow our body to accept it. Try using your breathing to keep you relaxed when there’s a particularly sore spot (those Lamaze people really have something there!). Then just sink in to the table, let the music, your therapists hands (and maybe a random thunderstorm) lull you to that magical place between half asleep and half awake. I guarantee your experience will be more than you imagined it could be!
Share your experience of the best massage you’ve ever had. Comment here and I’ll send you a 20% off coupon for your next great massage! Thank you for your business!
Denise Willinger

Owner/ Massage Therapist/Esthetician

Serenity The Spa in Anchorage


Filed under Massage

A Busy Woman’s Day of Bliss at Serenity Spa

Contributed by Sheryl Brennan

There is no doubt in my mind… I’d hit the wall. You know the one, where even the cute grins of your children and significant other rub you the wrong way and you just want to crawl into a cave and not emerge for about a week. The one where all you crave is silence from the hustle and bustle of the day-to-day grind you call your life. Yup- I was there in full force.

I am a single mom to three teenage girls (talk about hormonal overdrive), a full time candidate in a fast track MBA program, a business owner in start up mode, and freelance writer. Needless to say, I am VERY busy. Sometimes, there are days where I feel I need a schedule just to keep up with my schedule. So as I said previously, I’d hit the wall.

My friends offered lots of advice, but the one solution that stood out was a “pamper me” day at a local Louisville spa. I did a quick internet search and found one that sounded exactly what I was looking for: Serenity Spa of Anchorage. Ahhhhh. Just the name implies relaxation!

Their google hot link pointed me to an informative website with a listing of services and spa packages sure to entice the stressed. The Timesaver package, Serenity Experience, and Day of Bliss lured me in with their descriptive phrases detailing all the wonderful services included in them. In the end, I chose the Day of Bliss because face it, I REALLY needed a day of bliss.

Serenity is tucked along the main thoroughfare of the village of Anchorage, Kentucky. If you don’t know anything about Anchorage, it is among the short list of historic suburbs of Louisville. It’s well manicured lawns, mini-estates, and English Village charm draws you in immediately. All of the specialty shops, café’s and restaurants are within a couple of square blocks, so you can walk to each of them with ease during a leisurely day trip excursion.

When I entered Serenity Spa, I felt like time had stopped. The friendly staff greeted me with smiles, while tranquil music softly played throughout the cozy building. Almost immediately, I was served chilled green tea in a wine glass. Now if that doesn’t start your Day of Bliss on the right foot, I don’t know what will.

My blissful day included an Anti- Aging Facial with Vitamin C mask and Eye Treatment, a 60 minute Massage, Seaweed Body Wrap, Spa Manicure & Pedicure,  Lunch and Champagne. Five full hours of pampering for me and only me! I gladly turned off my cell phone and sipped the luscious green tea as I bid the hectic world good-bye for a while.

We started with the Seaweed wrap. Now if you’ve never had a seaweed wrap before, it’s definitely not what you envision. Your massage therapist coats your skin with an emulsion derived from seaweed designed to draw out toxins from your body, then wraps you in a thermal blanket for a short period of time, all while you rest on a warm massage table and listen to relaxing music. No kids arguing with each other, no phones ringing off the hook, just you… drifting in and out of repose while the seaweed does its job in extracting all the ickiness from your system.

I could tell it was working when my massage therapist arrived and I immediately needed to use the restroom. I think the combination of the seaweed wrap and the green tea was definitely helping my kidneys and bladder kick it into overdrive and remove the toxins from my body.

Onward to the massage…ahhhhhh. My masseuse applied pressure to my muscles at just the right depth to release all the tension built up from months of stress. When my hour was up, I just wanted to fall fast asleep on that warm massage table, but my bladder protested. It appeared I was a little more toxic from all that compounded stress than I thought and my body was just waiting for this opportunity to release all those evil substances from their dermal prison!

I have never had a facial before, so this experience was another new journey for me. At age thirty-something, I admit I’ve been assessing the appearance of a few “wisdom markers” in the mirror wishing they would go away. My esthetician analyzed my answers to their client profile questions and decided an anti-aging facial was the best choice. The products smelled heavenly, not at all what I expected, and my face felt clean and smooth afterward. As a former Mary Kay consultant, I thought I knew a thing or two about skin care. For fourteen years I have been religious in using my cleansers and moisturizers, but after Serenity’s anti-aging facial, I truly felt fabulous. And I swear those little lines between my eyes and above the bridge of my nose are gone!

After my facial, I was treated to a gourmet lunch from one of the local restaurants. It was such a nice day, I probably could have walked, but my legs were still wobbly from that relaxing massage. LOL!

My last two services were the spa pedicure and manicure. Have you ever had paraffin on your feet? Well let me just tell you now that it is the bomb diggity! Serenity Spa uses The Perfect Sense paraffin treatment which comes in your very own sanitary, single use  slippers, eliminating risks of bacterial and fungal cross-contamination. No more worrying about whose feet were in the wax last.

For my manicure, I did something a little different and opted for the new Shellac manicure. This revolutionary product is a manicure that doesn’t chip. Ever! Polish lasts for 2 weeks! I am here to attest that it does just that. I can’t tell you how many women have tried to carry things for me because they think I just got my nails done and didn’t want to ruin the polish. When I tell them about Shellac and Serenity, they BEG me for the phone number. I’m tellin’ ya gals- you GOTTA try Shellac!

My spa day ended with a relaxing walk under a canopy of trees where my car was parked. The birds were singing, bees were buzzing, and I was definitely blissful. Even my kids noticed the non-stressed Mom that came home.

Do yourself a favor ladies, and take a mental health break with one of the spa packages at Serenity Spa in Anchorage. Denise Willinger and her staff will guarantee you a Day of Bliss that you will not soon forget.

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Filed under Day of Bliss, Facial, Glycolic Peel, Manicure, Pedicure, Skin Care, Spa Packages, Spa Services

A Day at Serenity Spa Louisville; The Grown up version of BFF

Contributed by San Dee Crabtree

“Best friends forever” describes Diane and Debra even though  Diane lives in Kentucky and Debra in Texas.  So when Diane got the news that her friend Debra was visiting, she immediately went to work.  What could they do to enjoy the visit?  Where could they go for plenty of peace and quiet to “girl talk?”

A quick internet search yielded a plethora of spas in Louisville, but Diane lucked upon one that stood out among the rest, the Serenity Spa in Anchorage.  “It was a beautiful small place that spoke ‘welcome’,” says Diane.

The girls decided to treat themselves to a package that included facials, massages, manicures and pedicures.  Debra has traveled and visited lots of spas in many areas and commented this was the “best experience anywhere bar none. The size and decor of the place made it intimate.  You felt like the staff was also your best friend and their service went beyond anything expected.”

Both ladies said they were surprised and happy that the staff phoned in an order for them at a local restaurant and they enjoyed their meal while having their pedicures together.  Both ladies commented on how laid back and comfortable the entire experience was.  “The spa facility was impeccable and you left feeling relaxed and knew undoubtedly you had received your monies worth.”

Diane and Debra both highly recommend this homey spa.  The girls could not quit talking about the comfy experience, especially versus the larger institutional spas. The massage, according to Debra, the traveler, “was one of the best. And believe me, I have had many.”

Debra couldn’t stop complimenting the atmosphere:  “it made the place,” she exclaimed.  Both women were in awe of the “real “customer service in this non-customer service world.  “One of the staff even recommend an over the counter product to solve a problem I mentioned to her.  Typically you would expect them to only tout their own products and services,” Debra boasted.  She was pleasantly surprised and both said there was not one part of the day better than the rest, and they are telling everyone to go to Serenity Spa and try it out.

At the end of the interview, they both said the same thing, “it is the best spa ever, go and see it for yourself.”

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You’re really doing this? Are you getting paid for it? No? Are you crazy, why would you do that!?

After offering to accept the gift cards of a local spa that was suddenly closing it’s doors, much of my week consisted of conversations sounding something like this:

“Hi, I just saw on television that you were going to be accepting Light Touch gift cards after they close, is this true?”  “Yes, ma’am, it’s true.” “Really? My daughter just bought this for me in October and when I heard they were closing, I tried to make an appointment to use it and they wouldn’t let me. When I heard you were willing to take the gift cards, I didn’t believe it. Thank you so much! That is the nicest thing!! I guess now I have a new spa, when can I make an appointment?”

Trust me, there were times after I made the decision I wondered if I really was crazy!  What on earth have I gotten myself into? After all the positive feedback from everyone and seeing the benefit to my business, I know I ‘m really crazy like a fox. This is one of the best business decisions I’ve ever made. I knew that The Light Touch, who were in business for 28 years, had a very loyal customer base. By giving the customer more than they bargained for, we are creating goodwill that will last a very long time. I just knew that if I could get those customers through my doors, I could earn their  business.

My bread and butter is the regular customer. We have folks that have been coming to Serenity since it opened 6 years ago, and a handful that have stayed with me for over 25 years!  The value of a long-term customer is worth far more than the time we’ll put in giving a complimentary service. Are we getting paid for the gift cards? No, we’re not. But my staff and I are willing to forgo our commission on the service in order to earn the repeat business of the customer. We are confident that the service you receive will wow you, and by earning your trust we’ll earn your business. Then when you decide to treat a friend or loved one to a spa experience, you can purchase one of our gift cards with the confidence that we will not only be here to fulfill their service, but it will be the best darn spa experience they’ve ever had!

Here’s the fine print:

Small spa with big heart offers to accept Light Touch Gift cards after they close their doors on November 14. Serenity Spa in Anchorage has offered to honor The Light Touch Gift cards until June 2010. Up to 10 cards will be accepted each week for services including facials, massage, manicures, pedicures, microdermabrasion, glycolic peels and waxing. Unfortunately, we can not accept expired gift cards or unused packages. However, we will send a coupon for a 1/2 price service to any former Light Touch customer that signs up for our e-mails at Please call 245-6484 to schedule an appointment.

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Can massage improve your golf game?

  bigstockphoto_Golf_1485822Want to hear a great story? I have a client who has been having regular massage for 25 or so years. Her husband had never had a massage with me before and called out of the blue one Friday afternoon. “I’ve hurt my back” he said. “Anything you can do?” “We can give it a shot” I told him. “Come in at 3, and I’ll see what I can do.”
  He came limping in at the appointed time and explained that he had bent over to pick something up and it just “went out”. He had been like this for a few days. He was in a lot of pain, and was scheduled to play in a golf tournament the next day. “What will you do if you can’t play?” I asked. “Forfeit and lose a lot of money” he said. “Can you help?”   “Hmm” I said, “well, backs are funny, It depends if the pain is caused by a muscle strain or “pinched” nerve. Let’s give it a try, It will either work or it won’t”

  I learned a long time ago not to gaurantee you can fix something. Sometimes massage can give immediate relief. By stopping the spasm in the muscle and reducing inflammation, a muscle strain will feel better quickly. Unfortunately, the symptoms can be the same in a more extensive injury, such as a herniated disk, that will require medical treatment from a chiropractor or even a nuerosurgeon if there is severe nerve impingement. Massage is quicker, less invasive and less expensive, so it’s worth a try before moving on to medical intervention.
  I took him to the massage room, asked him to undress down to undershorts and climb under the sheets. I went to wash my hands, came back and after giving 30 minutes of deep tissue work he was able to get up and stand upright for the first time in days. “How does it feel?” I asked when he came out to the reception area. “Better, but still not 100%”. “Go home and ice it”, I told him, “and if it isn’t better in a few days, call your doctor” I gave him a stretching routine and suggested that regular massage and a stretching routine would not only prevent a recurrence, but could help his golf game. He looked at me skeptically and said “Sure, thanks”. “Good luck, hope you get to play tomorrow”, I said and I went back to work wondering if I had helped him at all.
  A few weeks later, his wife Lucy came in for her regular appointment. “How’s John’s back, Lucy? Did he get to play in the tournament?” She smiled and told me that he felt better the same evening and played a practice round. The next day he not only played in the tournament, but his team came in third place, winning a boatload of money! “So the massage helped, huh?” I asked. “John will never admit it, but yes, if he hadn’t come to you for a massage, he could not have played in that tournament.” Men! Anyone with a husband understands, Im sure! Bottom line is, if you put your back through an unnatural act such as a golf swing on a regular basis, you owe it to yourself to take care of it with a regular stretching routine and regular massage therapy. Call for a consultation at 245-6484 or book an online appointment here…  http://serenity-the-spa-in.genbook.com

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Here a Germ, There a Germ, Everywhere a Big Germ!

Here a Germ, There a Germ, Everywhere a Big Germ!
blue water splash macro close up photo


Everywhere we go, we are cautioned to wash or faces and our hands. Most doctors’ offices, here in Louisville and across the country, have those bottles of hand sanitizer. We see them in the local Kentucky schools and hospitals as well. If you are like me, you even have a bottle or two in your handbag.  I am totally for disinfecting and protecting my family, but those little bottles of sanitizer are wreaking havoc with my skin.

It never fails, just after I clean my hands, I reach for the bottle of lotion. I am sure most of us do. However, have you thought of how many times you use that little bottle and forget to use your hand crème? How many times after this, do you reach up to touch your face? I know I do it.

Stop and consider what that life preserving cleaner is made from.  This is off the front of the little bottle that I personally carry in my purse.

“Instant hand sanitzier with a unique blend of ethyl alcohol (62%) and moisturizers.”

62% ethyl alcohol! Can you imagine how drying that is to our skin? And let’s face it, with the wfall and winter weather we have here in Kentucky, who needs the extra damage?

Therefore, my stress-less tip for today is to Moisturize. Make it a daily habit. Apply in the morning and in the afternoon. For an extra treat for your skin, come down to the Serenity Spa and have a facial. Your skin will thank you!

So stay warm and keep your skin nourished, you beautiful soul, you!


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A Facial can be a Zen Experience?

A Facial can be a Zen Experience?

Spa still life photo

Sure it can!  Look at this way… a facial is the sloughing off of the old and beginning with the new. Let’s look at this  parable:

Once upon a time, two Zen monks were walking along a mountain trail; they reached a stream and met a lady who wanted to cross to the other side.

The older monk volunteered to carry her on his back. After they got to the other side, she got off, thanked the monk and they parted.

Throughout the rest of the journey, there was complete silence as both monks kept walking…finally the younger monk could not stand it anymore, and asked “Master, I thought we are not supposed to have body contact with the opposite sex?”

The older monk turned and gave a surprised look and said, “I have already let her go after we crossed the stream, why are you still carrying her?”

We have to learn to let go of the past and move on with the future. In this way a Serenity Spa facial is an exercise in being Zen. By letting go of the cares of the day and relaxing during a facial, we are being like the older monk in the story.

Don’t forget…we are still giving away two facials from Serenity Spa this week. Be sure to comment here or on our Facebook page to enter for a chance to win a free Serenity Spa Facial!


Filed under Stress-Less Campaign

A Wrinkle in time…or a wrinkle due to time?

A Wrinkle in time…or a wrinkle due to time?
beauty portrait of a young woman in pink with a tulip flower on a mirror photo

Stress runs our daily lives. It can drag us down physically and emotionally. One place this shows up is in our faces. Have you ever heard the saying, “Time marches on?” Well, it does and it marches right across our faces. A facial can release stress in your mind and body and help stall the ravages of time. It can make you feel brand new. Here at Serenity Spa we offer a complete experience with our Ultimate Facial.
These facials are amazing and are a wonderful option for a mature skin or someone who wants to stop the aging process. We use DDF and Spa Technologies products during our facials. All our products are cosmecueticals and are sold through skin care professional because they have a higher concentration of active ingredients in them than products sold in drug or department stores. We also carry Dermesse at Serenity Spa in Anchorage which is a prescription strength product sold only through physicians or nurse practitioners. We have a relationship with a nurse practitioner allowing us to offer these incredible prescription strength products.
I love the Dermesse products. They will visibly change your skin in just a few months. One of my clients did the Ultimate Facial series at Serenity and started using Dermesse. After 3 months, she had friends asking her if she had gotten a face-lift! She is a very happy customer!
Here is another wonderful opportunity to stress less.

Event: Boot camp with Joe Lively
What: Class
Start Time: Tuesday, November 3 at 6:30pm
End Time: Thursday, December 17 at 7:30pm
Where: 2401 Stanley Gault Pkwy, Louisville, KY

To see more details and RSVP, follow the link below:

We are giving away two more of our soothing facials this week! Be sure to comment here or on our facebook page to enter to win!

Have a wonderful weekend you beautiful soul you!

~Denise Willinger


Filed under Stress-Less Campaign