Tag Archives: neck

Here a Germ, There a Germ, Everywhere a Big Germ!

Here a Germ, There a Germ, Everywhere a Big Germ!
blue water splash macro close up photo


Everywhere we go, we are cautioned to wash or faces and our hands. Most doctors’ offices, here in Louisville and across the country, have those bottles of hand sanitizer. We see them in the local Kentucky schools and hospitals as well. If you are like me, you even have a bottle or two in your handbag.  I am totally for disinfecting and protecting my family, but those little bottles of sanitizer are wreaking havoc with my skin.

It never fails, just after I clean my hands, I reach for the bottle of lotion. I am sure most of us do. However, have you thought of how many times you use that little bottle and forget to use your hand crème? How many times after this, do you reach up to touch your face? I know I do it.

Stop and consider what that life preserving cleaner is made from.  This is off the front of the little bottle that I personally carry in my purse.

“Instant hand sanitzier with a unique blend of ethyl alcohol (62%) and moisturizers.”

62% ethyl alcohol! Can you imagine how drying that is to our skin? And let’s face it, with the wfall and winter weather we have here in Kentucky, who needs the extra damage?

Therefore, my stress-less tip for today is to Moisturize. Make it a daily habit. Apply in the morning and in the afternoon. For an extra treat for your skin, come down to the Serenity Spa and have a facial. Your skin will thank you!

So stay warm and keep your skin nourished, you beautiful soul, you!


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A Wrinkle in time…or a wrinkle due to time?

A Wrinkle in time…or a wrinkle due to time?
beauty portrait of a young woman in pink with a tulip flower on a mirror photo

Stress runs our daily lives. It can drag us down physically and emotionally. One place this shows up is in our faces. Have you ever heard the saying, “Time marches on?” Well, it does and it marches right across our faces. A facial can release stress in your mind and body and help stall the ravages of time. It can make you feel brand new. Here at Serenity Spa we offer a complete experience with our Ultimate Facial.
These facials are amazing and are a wonderful option for a mature skin or someone who wants to stop the aging process. We use DDF and Spa Technologies products during our facials. All our products are cosmecueticals and are sold through skin care professional because they have a higher concentration of active ingredients in them than products sold in drug or department stores. We also carry Dermesse at Serenity Spa in Anchorage which is a prescription strength product sold only through physicians or nurse practitioners. We have a relationship with a nurse practitioner allowing us to offer these incredible prescription strength products.
I love the Dermesse products. They will visibly change your skin in just a few months. One of my clients did the Ultimate Facial series at Serenity and started using Dermesse. After 3 months, she had friends asking her if she had gotten a face-lift! She is a very happy customer!
Here is another wonderful opportunity to stress less.

Event: Boot camp with Joe Lively
What: Class
Start Time: Tuesday, November 3 at 6:30pm
End Time: Thursday, December 17 at 7:30pm
Where: 2401 Stanley Gault Pkwy, Louisville, KY

To see more details and RSVP, follow the link below:

We are giving away two more of our soothing facials this week! Be sure to comment here or on our facebook page to enter to win!

Have a wonderful weekend you beautiful soul you!

~Denise Willinger


Filed under Stress-Less Campaign

Stress-Less Tip of the Day: Is your job a pain in the neck?

pain in the neck

Is your job a pain in the neck? What about the lower back? Feet and knees? Is the job you do 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, affecting your body’s ability to function normally? Let’s face it, many of us spend 30 or 40 hours a week, week after week, year after year, doing the same exact thing, over and over and over again.

As a massage therapist, I see the effects the workplace has on my customers every day. Most of my customers come to me because of chronic pain in the their neck, shoulders or back, due to hours of sitting at a desk, cradling a phone while working on a computer.

Often I see customers with pain or headaches due to the effects of a chronically stressful life. Occasionally, I’ll see someone with foot, knee or back pain due to standing on concrete floors for hours.

 The benefits of regular massage therapy

The quickest and most effective way to combat the stress you put on your body from doing the same thing day after day is to do something different!

To offset the effects of  sitting at a desk all day, stretch the specific muscles that are tight. Have regular deep tissue massage to lengthen and work the tension out of the muscles.

If you spend 6 weeks of concentrated effort utilizing the talents of a licensed massage therapist, and do 5 minutes of stretching  at your desk, 2 to 3 times a day, you will reduce or eliminate the pain in your neck, shoulders and back!

Call or go online to www.serenityskincare.net to schedule an appointment so you can enjoy a “stress-less” week.  Make a comment to this post and sign up to receive our newsletter for special discount off your next service!

Have a great Monday you beautiful soul, you.



Filed under Stress-Less Campaign

Stress-Less Tip #3- Habits

correct posture while sitting at a desk“The individual who wants to reach the top in business must appreciate the might of the force of habit and must understand that practices are what create habits. He must be quick to break those habits that can break him and hasten to adopt those practices that will become the habits that help him achieve the success he desires.” ~ J. Paul Getty

Our habits are the tools that create our bodies, our minds and our lives. If you have chronic tension in your muscles, more than likely it is because you have unknowingly developed  habits that create that tension. Take a hard look at yourself right now.

Are you sitting at your desk, slumped over the keyboard or with your shoulder all jacked up juggling your mouse, the phone and texting on your blackberry, all at the same time?

Is your computer screen too high or too low? Is your chair too high or too low? Are your legs crossed? Are you sitting sideways with your elbow on the desk?

Ever heard of ergonomics?




  1. (used with a sing. verb) The applied science of equipment design, as for the workplace, intended to maximize productivity by reducing operator fatigue and discomfort. Also called biotechnology, human engineering, human factors engineering.
  2. (used with a pl. verb) Design factors, as for the workplace, intended to maximize productivity by minimizing operator fatigue and discomfort: The ergonomics of the new office were felt to be optimal.

What this means to you is stop putting your body into weird and unnatural positions to do your work! Learn to use good posture while working and you can prevent or correct much of the pain you feel at the end of the workday!

Sitting posture Pictures, Images and Photos

After you have corrected your ergonomic faux-paus, visit us online at www.serentityskincare.net and schedule an appointment with one of our massage therapists who can ease the tension in those over-stressed neck and back muscles.

Have a stress-less day, you fabulous soul you!


Filed under Stress-Less Campaign

Stress-Less tip #2 Stretch, Baby, Stretch!

How does stress affect you?

If you’re like most of us, stress causes some sort of muscle tension, ususally in the neck, shoulders or back. Stretching those areas can relieve about 90% of pain that is caused from chronic muscle tension.

Try these stretches, right now at your desk…. Yes, of course you can, they’re simple and relatively incospicuios, so you can do them while you’re working on the computer or talking on the phone, so go ahead and try them, O.K?

neck back stretches

Doesn’t that feel better already?  Do them every day for 7 days,  then schedule a massage with one of our certified massage therapists specializing in deep tissue work at www.serenityskincare.net.

At the end of the week, send us a tweet or facebook message and let us know how you feel.

Have a stress-less day!!

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